Sunday, August 22, 2010


I have a lot of reflecting to do on this course. I found the GAME plan lesson was useful and easy to use. I think that using this plan in my classroom will make sure that I am using the most effective technology while teaching the content. I have been thinking this week as school starts how to implement technology into my classroom without the technology taking over everything. I could have technology in every lesson. I would like to find something in the middle of all technology and the content. This GAME plan has helped me do that. I can implement technology but don’t need technology in every lesson.

I also need to reflect on this class because it is a great example of having to many things going on in one’s life and not doing all of those things to 100%. This is normally not like me but in this circumstance it is. I have had too many life changing events happen in my life during this course. Just finishing it is an accomplishment for me at this point. I will later when I can focus on it re-read and re-evaluate the text. I am very interested in it. Timing was just not right.

I am teaching the content unit that I made during this course in my classroom. I will have my students solve the problem based problem as well as use online collaboration and digital storytelling within the unit. I also have implemented a parent teacher conference template for digital storytelling so students can share it with their parents during conferences.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

week seven

I am excited for this year to start so I can finish up on my GAME plan. I believe that this would be a great way to teach students how to step by step finish up on some goals that they might have. When you write it all out then you have a plan and a way to finish up the plan. I teach third grade so I might need to adjust this to make it a little friendlier for them.
I have already had several teachers around me ask about what I am doing this year in terms of technology. I have a meeting set up for the second day of school so we can discuss and learn some of the things that I will be having my students do. Some of the teachers also have my former students and they are already nervous about what their new students will already know. This was exciting for me because the students are also helping me by becoming a change agent also.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

week six

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

I have learned that I might need to rethink some of the blogging assessments that I have already thought about. I have been thinking about my third graders that I had last year and how much they could do, starting out with new third graders they might not have the skills to accomplish as much.

What goals are you still working toward?
I have been asked by a staff member to help them set up their classroom wiki and to help director her and her students into blogging world. Now I need to understand how to teach her as well as her students. I am now setting up some sample blogs to help out with that.

Based on the NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?
New learning will be to see if I can set up social networking in my classroom. I have been very busy this week so I have not been able to research this as much as possible. I have been interviewing and setting up a classroom.

What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?
I am going to try teaching the staff during staff development to work with wikis and to help set up social networking within the staff.