Friday, February 5, 2010

Social Learning!!

Social Learning in the Classroom is so exciting! I love it when students are talking with each other and sharing ideas. They are excited and they are learning!! Classrooms are no longer the quite environment that they use to be. They are moving and discussing and learning! My friend and teammate use to tell me to keep in mind this quote while teaching… The one doing the talking is doing the learning! I keep those in mind when I am talking too much in my classroom.
Dr. Orey states the same thing in the video this week. Collaborative learning engages students in construction and conversations that help them learn. They are also learning in their zone of proximal development.
This is so exciting to me because technology fits right into social learning! Technology provides a way for us to communicate together and see each other thinking and a way for us to interact with others thinking. All the new tools on the internet help us talk with each other. Windows,, Google are all ways that we can keep up and talk with each other effectively. My students now understand why it is great to have Google reader so they don’t have to go all over the internet. Also it makes things easier for me so they can get the information without going to several different sites. These kids are 9!!! I can’t even imagine what they will have when they are 30.


  1. Amy,
    It really is all so very exciting. I try not get overwhelmed trying to learn it all. I know I need to go one step at a time, but I have learned so much that I want to incorporate into my lessons.

  2. Amy

    I agree with your post. The possibilities out there are endless when it comes to incorporating technology into the classroom. The classroom is no longer a place where "quiet= learning," but actually the complete opposite. I love to walk around my room when the students are completing projects, just to hear the thoughts and ideas that are floating around. The things that students come up with when collaborating, are at times, simply remarkable!

  3. Amy,
    I think its awesome that your 9 year olds are using Google reader. Half of the teachers I work with have barely even heard of it!
    I agree wholeheartedly with your post in regards to the connection between social learning theory and technological advances going hand in hand. Many older teachers believe that technology takes away from the social interaction because it sometimes appears to isolate students when they are all looking at their own screen. Obviously a shallow understanding of the capabilities of these technological advances. Through these courses we have seen how it builds bonds and connections. I feel like I have learned so much by hearing everyone elses ideas. Something that would be impossible to share with out the blogs and other applications we have used.
    Great work!
